Anti Caking Application

 It is commonly used in various food products such as powdered spices, grated cheese, seasoning blends, powdered sugar, and baking mixes. Anti-caking silica works by absorbing excess moisture and forming a coating around individual particles, preventing them from sticking together.

In addition to its anti-caking properties, silicon dioxide is considered safe for consumption and is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by regulatory authorities such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). It is inert and does not react with other food ingredients, making it suitable for use in a wide range of food products.

Silicon dioxide is available in various forms, including amorphous silica and silica gel, with different particle sizes and surface areas. The choice of anti-caking silica depends on the specific requirements of the food product, such as the desired flow properties, particle size distribution, and moisture content.

Overall, anti-caking silica is an essential ingredient in the food industry, ensuring the quality, appearance, and shelf stability of powdered and granulated food products. Its ability to prevent clumping helps to maintain product integrity and enhances the overall consumer experience.

Property Specification
Chemical Composition Silicon Dioxide (SiO2)
Particle Size Nano to Micron-sized particles
Purity ≥ 99.8%
Surface Area High surface area
Bulk Density Variable depending on grade
pH Value Neutral to slightly acidic
Color White
Moisture Content ≤ 1%
Oil Absorption Low to moderate
Anti-Caking Efficiency High
Flow Properties Improves flowability and handling
Compatibility Compatible with various dry products
Packaging Bags, drums, or bulk containers
Shelf Life Long